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Ofsted visited Henry Maynard Primary on Tuesday 19th September and Wednesday 20th September.

An extract from our latest Ofsted inspection: 

What is it like to attend this school?
Pupils at Henry Maynard enjoy school and value their learning . They are attentive and focused in lessons.

Pupils, parents and carers , staff and governors are all proud members of their school , which is at the heart of the community. The school's core values of community, creativity and ambition thread through all aspects of school life.

One parent summarised the thoughts of many by saying 'What I love about the school is how learning is equally matched with kindness, collaboration and understanding the world around us.'

The Ofsted report from our inspection in March 2018 is extremely positive about our school and the inspectors found a great deal to commend. It accurately reflects where we have got to and the significant achievements we have made.


Comments from the report include:

  • The leadership team has ensured that all safeguarding arrangements are fit for purpose and records are detailed and of high quality. Staff support pupils’ wellbeing meticulously
  • Leaders have developed a curriculum that interests pupils and inspires them to learn.
  • Pupils told inspectors how they can influence the choice of topics they study.
  • Pupils’ enthusiasm for learning was evident in the lessons visited
  • Pupils have a voice in the development of the school and they choose which values are important. Consequently, their understanding of values, such as respect and compassion, are good. This helps pupils to know the behaviours that are expected of them. They get on well with each other and work hard in lessons.
  • Governors visit the school frequently and demonstrate a good understanding of the standards achieved, including the progress that pupils make in their learning.
  • The welcoming and friendly ethos of the school provides a good environment in which pupils develop academically and socially. Staff take the time to get to know pupils as individuals and, as a result, pupils receive high-quality care and support.
  • Pupils are happy and love coming to school.
  • The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the previous inspection. They have ensured that teaching, learning and assessment remain good and that staff and pupils receive appropriate support.

The report also gives very clear direction with regards to what the school now needs to do. The points raised include:

  • a higher proportion of all pupils, particularly disadvantaged pupils, achieve greater depth in reading, writing and mathematics
  • across all subjects, teachers plan for learning with the same high expectations and monitor pupils’ progress with the same precision as in English and mathematics.

Thank you to all the parents and carers for fantastic feedback on Parentview and your overwhelming agreement that you would recommend our school to others.

Congratulations to the children for their good behaviour and engagement with the inspectors. They were a real credit to you and to their school.

As a staff, we are all committed to building on this report and look forward to working with you to achieve the best for our pupils.

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