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Contact Us

Henry Maynard Primary
Maynard Road
E17 9JE


0208 520 3042

Maynard Road site - Ms Kabra
Nursery, Reception, Years 1 and 2

Addison Road site - Ms Kabra  
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6

Please contact the school office if you require paper copies of any information on the school website.

Administration staff

Rachel Daly (Office Manager)
Janet Ayres
Zerica Brown
Laura Woodfine
Lauren Ferguson
Nabila Majid (Training School and Finance assistant)

Heddy Korachi-Alaoui – School Business Manager

Rebecca Wearing - Finance Officer

Alex Hepper - Premises Manager

SEND Inclusion Manager - Nicky Hillman.

Please contact Mrs Hillman through our school office.

Do we have your correct contact details? 

If you have recently changed your phone number or email address, please contact the school office to update the details we have for you. Alternatively, you can view and request to update your details via the SIMS Parent app. Please see the below document for more details.

In the event of your child becoming ill during the school day, we may need to contact you.
In addition, we use our school app, School Ping, to send messages and notifications about reminders or school events.

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