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Admission Arrangements

Nursery Admissions

Reception Admissions

Children are admitted into Reception in September. If your child attends our Nursery you must still apply for a Reception place. If you already have a child at our school you must still apply for a Reception place. We have 120 Reception places (PAN). 

If your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 they are due to start Reception in September 2024.

We follow the Waltham Forest admissions policy which can be found and downloaded below. The local authority allocate places. If there are more applications than there are places available Waltham Forest will use the following criteria, in priority order, to decide who should be offered a place at our school

Priority 1 – Looked After Children or Children ‘At Risk’

Priority 2 – Medical or social reasons

Priority 3 – Siblings (not if out of area)

Priority 4 – School Staff Children

Priority 5 – Distance

(definitions of the groups above can be found on the Waltham Forest website)

Children who have a Education Health Care plan (EHCP) are placed in schools under the terms of the Education Act 1996 and not through the admissions criteria referred to above. Children who have a EHCP will be allocated a place at the school named on their EHCP.

Our school induction programme includes a meeting for all new Reception parents and carers in June before the children start school, along with opportunities for the children to come and meet their teacher and play with their new classmates. Informal parent and carer sessions provide the opportunity to meet other parents and ask questions about school routines and school life.

As part of our admissions, we undertake home visits to all our new Reception children. Children start their new classes on a staggered basis to ensure children are settled in their new classes. 

In year admissions / school transfers

All admissions to our school during the year and in different year groups are handled by Waltham Forest pupil admissions service, who hold the school waiting list and can be contacted on 0208 496 3000.

You can apply online for in-year applications via Citizen Portal. The portal can be accessed via the Council's Website www.walthamforest.gov.uk - please search 'school admissions' and click on 'in year admissions'.

For telephone admissions advice please call 0208 496 3000 

primary.admissions@walthamforest.gov.uk or secondary.admissions@walthamforest.gov.uk for information regarding primary to secondary transition.

We believe that every child is entitled to equal access to an engaging curriculum, regardless of race, gender, class or disability.

We are committed to promoting a learning and teaching environment that embeds the values of inclusive educational practices for all. Through a child centred approach, we aim to ensure that education is accessible and relevant to all our learners, to respect each other and to celebrate diversity and difference.

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